Channel 9 Kevin Crease Studios, Sun Feb 15

The idea of Cadence involves pulling together 5 gifted young performers from different disciplines, including music, dance and acrobatics, mixing and matching their skills to come up with a highly entertaining and educational show.

Each performer gets to have the spotlight on them separately for a moment in which those skills are keenly on display. Before each artist does their piece, a brief filmed interview in which they explain some aspect of their art is projected onto a large screen. This cleverly makes us watch what they then do on stage with keener interest.

We learn from guitarist Geordie Little how he approaches songwriting, and then he plays a piece in his distinctively mesmerising acoustic guitar style.

There is a hilarious mashup of celebrity chefs from Tom Brown which as well as being entertaining also demonstrates a little of how the process works. Dan Liddiard explains which muscles to rely on when doing handstands before performing a dazzling acrobatic routine. Musician Eliot Zoerner uses percussion and electronics to demonstrate the process of building up a complex sonic landscape from the simplest of sounds. Dancer Rhiannon Cave-Walker explains about needing to be in the moment when performing before doing exactly that.

As well as these individual moments there are a number of group efforts, for example where Rhiannon and Dan perform an acrobatic routine together to music being played by Geordie.

Each act was fascinating in itself, and the variety squeezed into such a short time meant that there was no chance of losing interest. The show is advertised as 30 minutes but was slightly longer than that. Everyone in the audience would have been happy for the show to keep going for a little longer.

Adrian Miller

CADENCE continues at Channel 9 Kevin Crease Studios from 4pm until Sat Mar 7.

NEW SHOW ADDED!!!!!!!  :  4pm Sat Mar 14

Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

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Channel 9 Kevin Crease Studios, Sun Feb 15 The idea of Cadence involves pulling together 5 gifted young performers from different disciplines, including music, dance and acrobatics, mixing and matching their skills to come up with a highly entertaining and educational show. Each performer gets to have the spotlight on them separately for a moment in which those skills are keenly on display. Before each artist does their piece, a brief filmed interview in which they explain some aspect of their art is projected onto a large screen. This cleverly makes us watch what they then do on stage with keener interest. We learn from guitarist Geordie Little how he approaches songwriting, and then he plays a piece in his distinctively mesmerising acoustic guitar style. There is a hilarious mashup of celebrity chefs from Tom Brown which as well as being entertaining also demonstrates a little of how the process works. Dan Liddiard explains which muscles to rely on when doing handstands before performing a dazzling acrobatic routine. Musician Eliot Zoerner uses percussion and electronics to demonstrate the process of building up a complex sonic landscape from the simplest of sounds. Dancer Rhiannon Cave-Walker explains about needing to be in the moment when performing before doing exactly that. As well as these individual moments there are a number of group efforts, for example where Rhiannon and Dan perform an acrobatic routine together to music being played by Geordie. Each act was fascinating in itself, and the variety squeezed into such a short time meant that there was no chance of losing interest. The show is advertised as 30 minutes but was slightly longer than that. Everyone in the audience would have been happy for the show to keep going for a little longer. Adrian Miller CADENCE continues at Channel 9 Kevin Crease Studios from 4pm until Sat Mar 7. NEW SHOW ADDED!!!!!!!  :  4pm Sat Mar 14 Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

The Clothesline Rating...

Adrian Miller

Highly entertaining.

User Rating: 2.78 ( 12 votes)