by Rosie van Heerde | Oct 15, 2016 | Comedy, Family Entertainment, Musical Theatre, Reviews
Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Fri 14 Oct. Bold and bubbly, with a huge dose of camped-up corn, Hairspray is an evening of in-your-face dance-pop in supersized proportions. The story of Tracy Turnblad, a “pleasantly plump’ sixties teen who loves to dance, becomes an...
by Dave Bradley | May 18, 2015 | Books, Reviews
Philip Glass (Faber) 2015, 416pp, RRP $49.99 Legendary musician, composer and innovator Glass’ slightly long-winded (well, he is 78) account of his life and times has a straightforward tone which sometimes takes the fun and potential fascination out of his...
by Dave Bradley | Jul 19, 2014 | Books, Reviews
John Waters (Constable & Robinson), 336pp, RRP $24.99 ‘Trash King’ Water’s latest tome is the result of his wild idea to hitchhike across America, from his home in his beloved Baltimore to his property in San Francisco, and while it’s written in his familiar,...