by David Robinson | Mar 7, 2018 | Adelaide Festivals, Reviews, Theatre
Mainstage at Bakehouse Theatre, Tue 6 Mar. [THEATRE/SPOKEN WORD – UK] BETWEEN THE CROSSES sees Will Huggins tell the story of his great-uncle Edgar’s experiences during the First World War with the Durham Light Infantry. He is assisted by the recorded voice of Edgar...
by David Robinson | Mar 2, 2018 | Adelaide Festivals, Reviews, Theatre
Mainstage at Bakehouse Theatre, Thu 1 Mar. [THEATRE/SPOKEN WORD – UK] Mengele, the third instalment of Guy Masterson’s Lest We Forget season, concerns itself with the moment that Nazi Germany’s “Angel of Death” is invited to come to terms with his life, and his...
by David Robinson | Mar 1, 2018 | Adelaide Festivals, Reviews, Theatre
Mainstage at Bakehouse Theatre, Wed 28 Feb. [THEATRE/SPOKEN WORD – UK] What must everyday life seem like to a returning veteran? Has the world gone crazy? Or does life in the front lines render one ill-equipped to deal with even the most trivial of civilian...