by FringeGuest1 | Oct 31, 2024 | Reviews, Theatre, Theatre & Physical Theatre
[Theatre ~ SA] The Studio at Holden Street Theatres – Wed Oct 30 Local theatre company Red Phoenix have a hit on their hands with their current production of Hangmen. Written in 2015 by acclaimed writer Martin McDonagh – if you have seen his films In...
by Michael Coghlan | May 27, 2022 | Reviews, Theatre
[THEATRE ~ SA] Holden Street Theatres, Thu 26 May FESTEN is an adaptation by David Eldridge of a Danish screenplay originally written for film. It has a reputation for leaving audiences shocked and stunned. It certainly isn’t light entertainment. Billed as an expose...
by Michael Coghlan | Aug 17, 2018 | Reviews, Theatre
Holden Street Theatres – The Studio, Thu 16 Aug. Originally a science fiction film this current version of The Man From Earth from the Holden St. Theatres’ resident theatre group, Red Phoenix Theatre, was written by Jerome Bixby and completed in 1998. It centres...
by Rosie van Heerde | May 25, 2018 | Reviews, Theatre
Holden Street Theatres – The Studio Theatrical nihilism is alive and well in this inherently bleak portrayal of Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus – better known by history as Caligula. Penned by French-Algerian philosopher and author of the absurdist tradition, Albert...