by Dave Bradley | Jun 21, 2022 | Book, Books, Reviews
[BOOK REVIEW ~ AUS] Adrian McKinty (Hachette Australia) 2022, 375pp, RRP $32.99 (paperback); $34.99 (audiobook); $12.99 (e-Book) The Belfast-born McKinty’s follow-up to The Chain is similarly suspenseful and, again, offers such a skilfully breakneck pace that any...
by Dave Bradley | Mar 30, 2016 | DVDs, Reviews
Shock, R, 83 Mins Churned out during the slasher boom of the late ‘70s/early ‘80s, this drab and dated 1981 horror has a few minor points still worth mentioning: 1) Star Melissa Sue Anderson was best-known at the time for the coyly conservative TV series Little House...