Fern Green (Hachette) 160pp, RRP $14.99

As a self-confessed lover of the green smoothie and the energy-giving health benefits they bring; a little bit of weight-loss thrown in makes for a welcome bonus. Green smoothies can be used as a health tonic, an immune booster, a metabolism kick-starter, a meal replacement when you are on the go, or a way of getting more of those vital health-giving greens into your diet.Green Smoothies - Fern Green - Hachette - The Clothesline

Fern Green is a UK-based food stylist and has done a job with her easy-to read, easy-to-follow debut publication. Green Smoothies is not just a comprehensive recipe guide of 66 smoothies, tonics and natural juices, but she has also included a 7-day detox plan to cleanse the body – and especially that liver that we torture daily – and a comprehensive listing of all the green leafy ingredients, their vitamin contents, nutrient values and positive actions of the body.

Green smoothies give a tired body an all-natural sustainable energy kick (unlike the quick up and down of sugary and energy drinks), fires up the mind, helps supply your daily vitamin, salad and vegetable requirements, hydrates the body and gives us that great feeling that we are doing something good an healthy for ourselves.

As a green smoothie drinker, I personally recommend avoiding juicer machines as they extract the juice and wastefully discard the pulp – the most important part of the fruit and vegetables. Vitamisers, blenders and the ever-popular NutriBullet™ retain all the healthy goodness of the plant

Green Smoothies is going to be a very busy book in my household!

Catherine Blanch


Click here to purchase your copy of Fern Green’s Green Smoothies from Hachette Australia


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