The Garden Of Unearthly Delights’ Factory, Tue Mar 3
Abandoman returns to this year’s Fringe line up showcasing their amazing comedic genius and dazzling musical prowess. Robert Broderick and Sam Wilson grace the stage with their amazing presence and wonderful mash ups making something out of nothing. The story goes that they have found themselves in Adelaide, brought here by none other than P-Diddy himself to create the greatest song ever, and if they don’t, one of them will die! In the next hour they must come up with the most incredible song that will keep them in the song-making game and bring Diddy back to number 1.
What the duo does is nothing short of genius; Wilson is on the xylosynth dropping the beats and providing the delightful backup vocals while Broderick, the true Abandoman, is the lyrical genius who magically creates the most hilarious and never to be repeated songs minutes after plucking an audience member and asking them a few questions. He makes songs and stories out of things you never would believe could be sung about.
To prove their worth, P-Diddy first sets them the task of writing a love song which sounds nice in theory, however when Abandoman picks his first unsuspecting audience member the love song turns into a break up song that, while it ends disastrously, is unbelievably hysterical. And from there it just gets better; there are songs about Ugg boots, party tricks, parties in Port Adelaide and a rave song about three men’s pet peeves. There is no subject that Broderick can’t make into a song and watching it is both hilarious and magical.
Abandoman is mind bogglingly amazing and is one show you cannot miss this year!
Sarah Mena
Abandoman: Hot Desk continues at The Garden Of Unearthly Delights’ Factory until Sun Mar 15.
Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.
The Garden Of Unearthly Delights’ Factory, Tue Mar 3 Abandoman returns to this year’s Fringe line up showcasing their amazing comedic genius and dazzling musical prowess. Robert Broderick and Sam Wilson grace the stage with their amazing presence and wonderful mash ups making something out of nothing. The story goes that they have found themselves in Adelaide, brought here by none other than P-Diddy himself to create the greatest song ever, and if they don’t, one of them will die! In the next hour they must come up with the most incredible song that will keep them in the song-making game and bring Diddy back to number 1. What the duo does is nothing short of genius; Wilson is on the xylosynth dropping the beats and providing the delightful backup vocals while Broderick, the true Abandoman, is the lyrical genius who magically creates the most hilarious and never to be repeated songs minutes after plucking an audience member and asking them a few questions. He makes songs and stories out of things you never would believe could be sung about. To prove their worth, P-Diddy first sets them the task of writing a love song which sounds nice in theory, however when Abandoman picks his first unsuspecting audience member the love song turns into a break up song that, while it ends disastrously, is unbelievably hysterical. And from there it just gets better; there are songs about Ugg boots, party tricks, parties in Port Adelaide and a rave song about three men’s pet peeves. There is no subject that Broderick can’t make into a song and watching it is both hilarious and magical. Abandoman is mind bogglingly amazing and is one show you cannot miss this year! Sarah Mena Abandoman: Hot Desk continues at The Garden Of Unearthly Delights’ Factory until Sun Mar 15. Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.
Abandoman: Hot Desk Is Comedic Genius At The Garden Of Unearthly Delights – Adelaide Fringe Review
Abandoman: Hot Desk Is Comedic Genius At The Garden Of Unearthly Delights – Adelaide Fringe Review
Sarah Mena
Sarah Mena
Abandoman is mind bogglingly amazing
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