Hot on the heels of her multi-award-winning debut stand-up comedy show Adrienne Truscott’s Asking For It – a sobering yet hilarious comedy show that confronts the topic of rape, the male comedians who make rape jokes, rape culture and the religions who condone rape in the name of God – which she performs without any pants on, Truscott is in Adelaide once again with her new Fringe show, Adrienne Truscott’s A One-Trick Pony! [Or Andy Kaufman Is A Feminist Performance Artist And I’m A Comedian].
Changing directions completely, this one-half of the much loved Wau Wau Sisters team explores the ins and outs of stand-up comedy in her own inimitable style. Themes include irony, racism, losing your virginity to a unicorn, wrestling, hookers, ironic hookers and Mighty Mouse.
The Clothesline emails Truscott with a few tricky questions.
Favourite comedian?
“I suppose it changes from season to season, but at the moment, I’m pretty mad for what Louis CK is doing, and Maria Bamford drives me to distraction and hysteria.”
Comedian you would most like to be?
“The queer-family love child of Carol Burnett, Richard Pryor, Maria Bamford and Gene Wilder. And nobody really knows whose egg or sperm, but Gilda Radner carried me to term as a surrogate mother.”
Comedy duo or trio; who would be your partner/s in crime?
“Sarah Silverman and Bob Newhart.”
Most famous person’s number you have in your phone?
“Adam Horowitz. Beastie.”
Favourite imaginary friend as a kid?
“Delta Dawn, from the Helen Reddy songbook. If by favourite you mean most depressing?”
Your porn star name?
“Twinkie Killingworth. Sounds a bit like someone trying to sound really fun, while also being taken seriously as a thespian, but in snuff films. Yuck.”
What is your hidden talent?
“Headjobs, obvs. And getting movie deals.”
Tell us something that people don’t yet know about you.
“I have a mole that could be a third nipple and I can write backwards. Take your pick.”
Favourite childhood memory?
“What childhood? I thought that’s how I became a comedian?”
Celebrity meet that left you star-struck?
“In high school I was a PA on a movie shooting in Atlantic City, with Warren Beatty, Dennis Hopper and Harvey Keitel. Not realizing they were legends of the 70’s film wave in the States, I only cared that Molly Ringwald and Robert Downey Jr. were on set. I got to try on Robert Downey Jr.’s slippers in his hotel room while he ‘went to the bathroom’. Again. It was during his drug years. Don’t ask me what I was doing in his hotel room.”
How do you deal with annoying people who insist you tell them a joke once they discover you are a comedian?
“Hear them out and then over-laugh, to the point that it terrifies them and then, for me turns in to weeping, like a B-movie.”
What’s something from your childhood that you still love and have today?
“Bad memories?”
A missed opportunity that you would give anything to go back and try?
“Seeing what else happened in Robert Downey Jr.’s hotel room.”
Has anyone literally wet themselves laughing at one of your shows?
“Besides me?”
What’s the best chat-up line you’ve ever heard/used?
“It was about 5 a.m. and my friend, a lady, said to a fella she’d been flirting with, “We should have lunch some time.” He said, “Sure, when is lunch?” “In five minutes,” she replied. Pretty tidy work.”
Adrienne Truscott’s A One Trick Pony performs at The Garden Of Unearthly Delights’ Spare Room from 8.15pm on Mon Mar 2 until Sun Mar 15.
Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.
Click HERE to read Adrienne Truscott’s A One Trick Pony Fringe Review