Rhino Room, Fri 7 Feb, 2020.

It’s fitting that the first show out of the gates for Fringe 2020 takes place in Adelaide’s year ‘round Comedy HQ, Rhino Room, with a world class comedian who got her comedy start at Rhino and is making a career in the UK and a growing an International audience. It is also energising that a female comic can sell out two nights, with material that is both really nice and pee your pants funny. Bec Hill is an exceptionally talented comedian; innovative, inclusive and looking to bring her audience as much joy as she is having for herself.

The show is governed by the audience picking topics from a huge board covered in big post-it’s that say things like Dad Dad, Bread Meals, Facts, and Put On A Funny Hat. This randomising element means the chances of you seeing the exact show twice are astronomical. The audience feels they are controlling our destiny as at the end of each bit Hill raises her hand and the audience yells what topic they want next. They can be a simple one line joke (Bec loves a pun) or a longer form story like the weird way she was proposed to.

Bec Hill has a super-likeable persona and the entire crowd feels like they are watching their kooky mate tell them stories at a BBQ. Her secret weapon is the use of her increasingly elaborate flip charts – bulging drawing pads full of hysterical moving parts, ingenious and unexpected visual delights that had the full house howling and wiping away the tears. It’s magnificent stuff!

There’s no foul language, no picking on the audience and, although she says there it’s not a ‘message’ show, the take away is that Bec Hill is an exceptional home grown talent who is already setting the bar very high for this year’s Fringe!

5 stars

Ian Bell


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[COMEDY ~ SA/UK] Rhino Room, Fri 7 Feb, 2020. It’s fitting that the first show out of the gates for Fringe 2020 takes place in Adelaide’s year ‘round Comedy HQ, Rhino Room, with a world class comedian who got her comedy start at Rhino and is making a career in the UK and a growing an International audience. It is also energising that a female comic can sell out two nights, with material that is both really nice and pee your pants funny. Bec Hill is an exceptionally talented comedian; innovative, inclusive and looking to bring her audience as much joy as she is having for herself. The show is governed by the audience picking topics from a huge board covered in big post-it’s that say things like Dad Dad, Bread Meals, Facts, and Put On A Funny Hat. This randomising element means the chances of you seeing the exact show twice are astronomical. The audience feels they are controlling our destiny as at the end of each bit Hill raises her hand and the audience yells what topic they want next. They can be a simple one line joke (Bec loves a pun) or a longer form story like the weird way she was proposed to. Bec Hill has a super-likeable persona and the entire crowd feels like they are watching their kooky mate tell them stories at a BBQ. Her secret weapon is the use of her increasingly elaborate flip charts – bulging drawing pads full of hysterical moving parts, ingenious and unexpected visual delights that had the full house howling and wiping away the tears. It’s magnificent stuff! There’s no foul language, no picking on the audience and, although she says there it’s not a 'message' show, the take away is that Bec Hill is an exceptional home grown talent who is already setting the bar very high for this year’s Fringe! 5 stars Ian Bell #ADLfringe

The Clothesline Rating...

Ian Bell

Innovative, inclusive and very, very funny!

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