by Adrian Miller

Bisexual Intellectuals is a brand new feminist Fringe cabaret show featuring three local women who have previously performed in successful Fringe shows – Millicent Sarre (Opinionated), Jemma Allen (Reclaiming Harry), and Rosie Russell (The Finest Filth). The Clothesline contacted cast member Rosie Russell and began by asking her why they decided to do a show together:
“Over the last few years Mim, Jemma and Rosie have all flourished in their respective niches of the cabaret community. After several festival seasons of attending and supporting each other’s work it felt only natural that we join forces as friends and artists and create something together. Moreover, Jemma and Rosie are relocating to Melbourne later in 2024 so there was a fire under our bums to collaborate while still living in the same state.”

Is the format of the show a story with an unfolding plot or a collection of sketches and songs?
Bisexual Intellectuals is a free-form episodic exploration of our lived experiences. The songs and sketches somewhat flow thematically (we have nicknamed the sexual health-focussed segment of the show The Vagina Monologues) but overall the show is a mixed bag that keeps you guessing at every turn.”

The show features a number of original songs. Were these written individually or together?
“The original score of Bisexual Intellectuals was a huge group effort. Mim has by far the most experience in writing original songs and took the lead in crafting the initial iterations of many numbers while Rosie assisted with lyricism and Jemma wrangled Garageband to create backing for all our non-live tracks. All the songs in the show have gone through many evolutions with elements chopped, changed and swapped around to create the final products audiences will see on stage.”

Will there be a band or can we expect ukuleles?
“There is no live band in Bisexual Intellectuals, with most songs set against pre-recorded backing tracks that line up with visuals on a projector. However, audiences can rest assured that Mim’s signature ukulele will make an appearance, as will her six years of recorder lessons…”

How long did it take to put the show together?
“The show was jokingly conceptualised months ago but full-time show development has taken roughly two months with a writing intensive in November/December 2023 and a series of workshop performances to collect and implement feedback from mentors and friends.”

Is Bisexual Intellectuals aimed at a certain age and gender demographic, or will anyone enjoy it?
Bisexual Intellectuals is rated MA15+ and is definitely aimed at mature audiences. While we suspect that the material will be the most relatable to queer femme audiences (as this is the perspective it was written from) the tone of the show is very light and energetic so it will be a fun night out for people of all demographics!”

The emphasis in this show would appear to be on fun?
Bisexual Intellectuals’ mission statement is pure, unapologetic queer joy! So much queer literature and theatre focuses on queer tragedy and struggle, we are hoping to compliment that by creating work celebrating the joy, pride and fun of being bisexual. Bisexual Intellectuals will leave you smiling, humming and hopeful.”

Is it true to say that Bisexual Intellectuals is life affirming?
“Bisexual Intellectuals hopes to validate queer people of all kinds. We discuss queerness, sex, representation and more, free of shame or censorship. There are topics in this show that my younger self would have been so relieved to hear spoken of with a laugh and a wink.”

What do you think people will enjoy most about your show?”
“The most contagiously enjoyable thing about the show is how much fun we’re having performing it. We love each other, we love being bi and we love being able to present our original material. There’s a real electricity in the room, I don’t think people will be able to stop themselves laughing along with us.”

Is there anything you wish to add to encourage people to come along to see Bisexual Intellectuals?
Bisexual Intellectuals is a truly unique ticket. Part concert, part stand-up, part education. All chaos. Watch three best friends revel in the most joyous and embarrassing parts of queer identity. Bring your date, bring your parents, bring your slightly problematic friend – it’s guaranteed to be a talking point for weeks to come.”

Bisexual Intellectuals performs at The Kingfisher at Gluttony – Rymill Park at 720pm from 15 Feb until 25th Feb.
Book at FringeTIX and adelaidefringe.com.au. Click HERE to purchase your tickets. 


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