Gluttony’s Peacock, Wed Mar 11

Life, love, weirdos – many of the audience will be able to relate to the scenes of Fully Furnished from share houses they’ve been a part of. Then add white goods that seem to eat housemates, an almost human lounge that seems to operate as a portal to an alternate universe – like the whole show, it is a bit crazy! The physical elements of this performance were used to great effect. While not all were smoothly part of the narrative, they all helped set the mood and develop the characters as well as help the audience appreciate the skills on offer.

Fully Furnished had a great mix of light and shade, fun, parties, play, along with drinking (to excess), coupling, pecking orders (who cleans, who is ignored), semi-civilised primates cohabiting limited living spaces. The set, while simple, kept changing; chairs, tables etc. were props one minute, part of a physical circus stunt the next. The object manipulation of these props was all done with great skill and coordination – and often as a team effort. The team all had great stage presence and misdirection was used to a tee, allowing others of the cast to effectively hide in the fridge, or washing machine etc. and appear as if by illusion.

Being in the audience of Fully Furnished is like having a bird’s eye view of a share house in which the roof is lifted to reveal what is going on – sometimes manic, often tense and manipulative – physical circus with some darker undercurrents. This show was been well crafted and deserves your consideration.

Clayton Werner

Fully Furnished continues at the Gluttony’s Peacock until Sun Mar 15.

Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

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Gluttony’s Peacock, Wed Mar 11 Life, love, weirdos – many of the audience will be able to relate to the scenes of Fully Furnished from share houses they’ve been a part of. Then add white goods that seem to eat housemates, an almost human lounge that seems to operate as a portal to an alternate universe – like the whole show, it is a bit crazy! The physical elements of this performance were used to great effect. While not all were smoothly part of the narrative, they all helped set the mood and develop the characters as well as help the audience appreciate the skills on offer. Fully Furnished had a great mix of light and shade, fun, parties, play, along with drinking (to excess), coupling, pecking orders (who cleans, who is ignored), semi-civilised primates cohabiting limited living spaces. The set, while simple, kept changing; chairs, tables etc. were props one minute, part of a physical circus stunt the next. The object manipulation of these props was all done with great skill and coordination – and often as a team effort. The team all had great stage presence and misdirection was used to a tee, allowing others of the cast to effectively hide in the fridge, or washing machine etc. and appear as if by illusion. Being in the audience of Fully Furnished is like having a bird’s eye view of a share house in which the roof is lifted to reveal what is going on – sometimes manic, often tense and manipulative – physical circus with some darker undercurrents. This show was been well crafted and deserves your consideration. Clayton Werner Fully Furnished continues at the Gluttony’s Peacock until Sun Mar 15. Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

The Clothesline Rating

Clayton Werner

A bird's eye view of a share house of love and weirdos.

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