The Garden Of Unearthly Delights’ Studio 7, Fri Feb 20
We’ve all been to those shows where someone thinks they’re funnier than the comedian on stage, the comedian who has been doing this for years and years; well Heckle! gives you the chance to take your best shot. Host Harley Breen sets the rules for the night and explains how it all works. There is a tally board, audience/comics, and for each heckle a point is scored to the rightful team and as each comedian takes to the stage you are encouraged to yell, distract and annoy them.
What sounds like a fun show fails to deliver on almost every level. While Breen does a great job at warming up the crowd, even if half of the audience banter was pre-rehearsed, that is just about the highlight of the show. Demi Lardner appears as young boy “Jimmy” for a brief moment, who is supposed to be a sick child trying his hand at comedy. Titty Bar Ha Ha then took to the stage with their kazoos, and while entertaining, probably not a suitable choice for a show in which audience participation is required. Breen then returned to say thank you and that was the end.
For a show that was supposed to run for 60 minutes, we were out in half the allocated time, spending the other half in the cue to get in, which was rather disappointing. The premise of the show is an undoubtedly clever one it just falls short of its promise.
With a longer running time and a few more comedians this show would be hilarious.
Sarah Mena
Heckle! continues at Garden of Unearthly Delights’ Studio 7 until Sat Mar 14.
Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.
The Garden Of Unearthly Delights’ Studio 7, Fri Feb 20 We’ve all been to those shows where someone thinks they’re funnier than the comedian on stage, the comedian who has been doing this for years and years; well Heckle! gives you the chance to take your best shot. Host Harley Breen sets the rules for the night and explains how it all works. There is a tally board, audience/comics, and for each heckle a point is scored to the rightful team and as each comedian takes to the stage you are encouraged to yell, distract and annoy them. What sounds like a fun show fails to deliver on almost every level. While Breen does a great job at warming up the crowd, even if half of the audience banter was pre-rehearsed, that is just about the highlight of the show. Demi Lardner appears as young boy “Jimmy” for a brief moment, who is supposed to be a sick child trying his hand at comedy. Titty Bar Ha Ha then took to the stage with their kazoos, and while entertaining, probably not a suitable choice for a show in which audience participation is required. Breen then returned to say thank you and that was the end. For a show that was supposed to run for 60 minutes, we were out in half the allocated time, spending the other half in the cue to get in, which was rather disappointing. The premise of the show is an undoubtedly clever one it just falls short of its promise. With a longer running time and a few more comedians this show would be hilarious. Sarah Mena Heckle! continues at Garden of Unearthly Delights’ Studio 7 until Sat Mar 14. Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.
Heckle! Take Your Best Shot At The Garden Of Unearthly Delights – Adelaide Fringe Review
Heckle! Take Your Best Shot At The Garden Of Unearthly Delights – Adelaide Fringe Review
Sarah Mena
Sarah Mena
Has great potential but falls short of its promise.
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