Grace Emily Hotel, Sat Mar 7

Get it? In-Person-8… Impersonate! Took me a while, but I got there in the end. A joint performance from Improv ACT and Adelaide’s own On the Fly Improv team.

Four audience members, who either volunteer themselves or who other members of the audience help select, are required on stage where they are ‘interviewed’ by Nick Byrne, while four cast members are off in the wings taking careful note of the answers and mannerisms of those plucked from the darkness.

During the interview, you may be asked what your day job is, what you do in your ‘time off’, what your favourite movie is or the last book you read; all innocuous questions, but all questions that help the four cast members In-Person-8 you later.

The rest of the audience sit back and enjoy the very accurate impersonations, while those interviewed could squirm a little in their seats as some tics are presented a little too accurately so as to almost hold up a mirror, but none the less, everyone was able to have a laugh at themselves and others.

We were shown some of the disciplines that go into improv and were treated to a meerkat and lizards impromptu conversation on the corner of Grenfell and Pulteney Street – all suggestions made by the audience, so you know it’s not scripted.

Get along and have a giggle, at yourself or possibly your best mate.

Charissa McCluskey-Garcia

In-Person-8 continues at Grace Emily Hotel until Mon Mar 9.

Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

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Grace Emily Hotel, Sat Mar 7 Get it? In-Person-8… Impersonate! Took me a while, but I got there in the end. A joint performance from Improv ACT and Adelaide’s own On the Fly Improv team. Four audience members, who either volunteer themselves or who other members of the audience help select, are required on stage where they are ‘interviewed’ by Nick Byrne, while four cast members are off in the wings taking careful note of the answers and mannerisms of those plucked from the darkness. During the interview, you may be asked what your day job is, what you do in your ‘time off’, what your favourite movie is or the last book you read; all innocuous questions, but all questions that help the four cast members In-Person-8 you later. The rest of the audience sit back and enjoy the very accurate impersonations, while those interviewed could squirm a little in their seats as some tics are presented a little too accurately so as to almost hold up a mirror, but none the less, everyone was able to have a laugh at themselves and others. We were shown some of the disciplines that go into improv and were treated to a meerkat and lizards impromptu conversation on the corner of Grenfell and Pulteney Street – all suggestions made by the audience, so you know it’s not scripted. Get along and have a giggle, at yourself or possibly your best mate. Charissa McCluskey-Garcia In-Person-8 continues at Grace Emily Hotel until Mon Mar 9. Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

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Charissa McCluskey-Garcia

Get along and have a giggle

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