Jesh Manser is basically this strange kid from a South Eastern SA town that spent too much time on Wikipedia and ended up hypnotising people. Now he has a show, he wants you to go so you can become friends.
We sent him some questions. Here are his answers.
First gig: when and where and how did it go?
“The first group of people I hypnotised where some random people from another town that were walking through the street of my hometown. I just approached them and (as one does) asked them to follow me into an alley to be hypnotised. It went marvellously though, as far as dragging kids into alleys goes.”
Favourite performer?
“Right now? Derren Brown. Honourable mention to Bo Burnham.”
Performer you would most like to be?
“Me, but much better.”
What is your best recovery technique for forgetting a line?
“I meant to do that, it’s all part of my plan for world domination.”
Favourite movie line?
“It’s not dying that you need be afraid of; it’s never having lived in the first place.” –The Green Hornet.
Job you currently perform in your alternative life when not performing on stage?
“I am a cave man. I have the pleasure of taking tourists through a lovely cave back in Mount Gambier. Aside from that I have a few different IT skills.”
Do you have a secret desire to be a movie star?
“Don’t we all?”
What is your hidden talent?
“We don’t talk about it! I have to buy special shoes just to hide it… oh wait, you said ‘Talent’ not ‘Talon’…”
Tell us something that people don’t yet know about you.
“I am a Brony! Don’t know what that is? Just Google it…”
Pet hate?
“I like most domestic animals… but if I had to pick one I didn’t like it would be little loud dogs.”
Time travel: where would you most love to go and why?
“The year 2015, where our Nikes tie themselves and our main form of transport is hover-cars.”
What’s something from your childhood that you still love and have today?
“The ability to grow hair.”
What’s the best trick you have up your sleeve?
“The ability to claim that the trick didn’t work out because magic isn’t real and people are silly to expect such impossible things.”
A missed opportunity that you would give anything to go back and try?
“I try as hard as I can to never let an opportunity go by, especially if a mate is on the phone. You gotta get all those obscenities out of the system while you can. It’s good fun and quite hilarious… For me, not for the mate.”
What’s the best chat-up line you’ve ever heard/used?
“So you walk past, the workplace of the pickup-line-ee… and you drop a whole basket of limes… You attempt to repack the limes but continuously deliberately fail, dropping them even further. Do this until the pick-up-line-ee notices you. This could take up to 30 minutes. When they offer you some help, simply apologize with ‘Sorry, I’m bad at pick-up limes!’ ”
Jesh Manser performs Mesmerism at Royal Croquet Club’s The Rastelli from 6pm on Sat Feb 14 until Sun Feb 22.
Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.