Estonian Hall, Thu 18 Feb
Swing Out hold regular Swing Dancing sessions, suitable for beginners and intermediate dancers, as well as social sessions to practise your moves. Tonight’s session was a ‘try it and see’ beginner’s session. The instructors had a great plan to get us all dancing the jitterbug, starting with the ‘rock step’ and standard kick moves, then adding turns, open and closed dancing etc.
As well as demonstrations on the high stage, they took some time to come around, answer questions, check on our steps etc. We started with simple steps, just a little at a time, adding to them as we went. I think, as a group, it would have been helpful to have a few more knowledgeable people planted with the quite large crowd to help things go more smoothly. And a few more and extended demonstrations of what experienced dancers can do would have added some colour.
In any case, our questions did get answered, we learnt a few of the many jitterbug steps and we had a lot of fun, chatted, mingled and enjoyed the company of friends, new friends and strangers. There was a small line of people signing up for the ‘6 week Learn To Dance’ special deal – that’s as good a recommendation as can be had – fun, exercise and some social interactions, as well as the chance to get groovy!
Clayton Werner
Learn Swing Dancing classes are held regularly at The Estonian Hall. Check out
Estonian Hall, Thu 18 Feb Swing Out hold regular Swing Dancing sessions, suitable for beginners and intermediate dancers, as well as social sessions to practise your moves. Tonight's session was a 'try it and see' beginner’s session. The instructors had a great plan to get us all dancing the jitterbug, starting with the 'rock step' and standard kick moves, then adding turns, open and closed dancing etc. As well as demonstrations on the high stage, they took some time to come around, answer questions, check on our steps etc. We started with simple steps, just a little at a time, adding to them as we went. I think, as a group, it would have been helpful to have a few more knowledgeable people planted with the quite large crowd to help things go more smoothly. And a few more and extended demonstrations of what experienced dancers can do would have added some colour. In any case, our questions did get answered, we learnt a few of the many jitterbug steps and we had a lot of fun, chatted, mingled and enjoyed the company of friends, new friends and strangers. There was a small line of people signing up for the ‘6 week Learn To Dance’ special deal – that's as good a recommendation as can be had – fun, exercise and some social interactions, as well as the chance to get groovy! Clayton Werner Learn Swing Dancing classes are held regularly at The Estonian Hall. Check out
Learn Swing Dancing – Workshop: So You Think You Can Dance? – Adelaide Fringe Review
Learn Swing Dancing – Workshop: So You Think You Can Dance? – Adelaide Fringe Review
Clayton Werner
Clayton Werner
So you think you can dance?
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