Tuxedo Cat – Mayall Room

As we are led into a dark room, with only a dim light against the wall, we stand in the black in anticipation of what is to come. As nick42berlin makes his presence aware, weaving in and around the audience, it was our first sign of what the night was to behold. We eventually found some chairs and settled in for the bumpy ride that was to come, although no one could have known what was about to ensue.

Nick42berlin begins his story narrating to the audience about the first time he admitted to himself he was a homosexual and his first encounters as one. However, this is a mere distant thought; the rest of his stories he details are filled with the multi-faceted aspects of his sexual encounters. From parks, to clubs, to urinals there is no subject deemed too private or too crude for his audience. The laughs (albeit awkward chuckles at best) were few and far between with a definite sense of unease throughout the performance.

While I can understand that it would take a lot of courage to get up in front of a room full of people and discuss in depth the autobiographical subject matter that he did, and I am definitely no prude, but I’m still unsure what the purpose was of this show (apart from some of his ‘tips’). Perhaps with a more toned down version of events and more comic relief worked into this show nick42berlin would have a more enticing performance.

Sarah Mena

My Life As A Gay Bum continues at Tuxedo Cat – Mayall Room from 9.45pm until Tue 1 Mar.

Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 and adelaidefringe.com.au. Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

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Tuxedo Cat – Mayall Room As we are led into a dark room, with only a dim light against the wall, we stand in the black in anticipation of what is to come. As nick42berlin makes his presence aware, weaving in and around the audience, it was our first sign of what the night was to behold. We eventually found some chairs and settled in for the bumpy ride that was to come, although no one could have known what was about to ensue. Nick42berlin begins his story narrating to the audience about the first time he admitted to himself he was a homosexual and his first encounters as one. However, this is a mere distant thought; the rest of his stories he details are filled with the multi-faceted aspects of his sexual encounters. From parks, to clubs, to urinals there is no subject deemed too private or too crude for his audience. The laughs (albeit awkward chuckles at best) were few and far between with a definite sense of unease throughout the performance. While I can understand that it would take a lot of courage to get up in front of a room full of people and discuss in depth the autobiographical subject matter that he did, and I am definitely no prude, but I'm still unsure what the purpose was of this show (apart from some of his ‘tips’). Perhaps with a more toned down version of events and more comic relief worked into this show nick42berlin would have a more enticing performance. Sarah Mena My Life As A Gay Bum continues at Tuxedo Cat – Mayall Room from 9.45pm until Tue 1 Mar. Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 and adelaidefringe.com.au. Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

The Clothesline Rating...

Sarah Mena

From parks, to clubs, to urinals there is no subject deemed too private or too crude for his audience.

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