[COMEDY/Music ~ NSW]

Rhino Room – Upstairs at Rhino Room, Wed 23 Feb.

He is a little bloody genius, you know that, right? Oh sure, he’s abrasive, irreverent, some might say a twisted degenerate, but nobody can touch Paul McDermott as my favourite infante terrible of comedy; from the days of The Doug Anthony All Stars, through Good News Week, his art, children’s books, and his return to touring comedy with collaborators.

The only thing predictable thing about McDermott is that he remains utterly unpredictable. I mean, you can predict some naughty words, and mock confrontation, and you can expect him to be leaning left and ready to eviscerate the kind of hypocrites’ and sanctimony you often find on the right (and the church), but while you suspect he is going to stick it to those targets you never know when he is going to stick it, what he is going to stick them with, which orifice he is going to stick it into or how deep it is going in.

You can also predict that there will be songs, really good songs, sung with that incredible, powerful and melodic voice. This year McDermott and his +1 present us with a bunch of songs they have kindly prepared for the folk at Hillsong (including a brief DAAS song I was excited got an airing). There are songs about politicians, the ongoing COVID19 crisis, anti-vaxxers, there is a Qanon love song and a banger about Young Fascists in love.

The show is changing all the time and on another night you might be treated to Jenny & The Girls, but I’ll leave you to work out that one for yourselves.

Dead Set Legend(s).

5 stars

Ian Bell

Paul McDermott +1 continues at Rhino Room – Upstairs at Rhino Room from 9.45pm until Sat 5 Mar.

Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 and adelaidefringe.com.au. Click HERE to purchase your tickets.


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[COMEDY/Music ~ NSW] Rhino Room – Upstairs at Rhino Room, Wed 23 Feb. He is a little bloody genius, you know that, right? Oh sure, he’s abrasive, irreverent, some might say a twisted degenerate, but nobody can touch Paul McDermott as my favourite infante terrible of comedy; from the days of The Doug Anthony All Stars, through Good News Week, his art, children’s books, and his return to touring comedy with collaborators. The only thing predictable thing about McDermott is that he remains utterly unpredictable. I mean, you can predict some naughty words, and mock confrontation, and you can expect him to be leaning left and ready to eviscerate the kind of hypocrites’ and sanctimony you often find on the right (and the church), but while you suspect he is going to stick it to those targets you never know when he is going to stick it, what he is going to stick them with, which orifice he is going to stick it into or how deep it is going in. You can also predict that there will be songs, really good songs, sung with that incredible, powerful and melodic voice. This year McDermott and his +1 present us with a bunch of songs they have kindly prepared for the folk at Hillsong (including a brief DAAS song I was excited got an airing). There are songs about politicians, the ongoing COVID19 crisis, anti-vaxxers, there is a Qanon love song and a banger about Young Fascists in love. The show is changing all the time and on another night you might be treated to Jenny & The Girls, but I’ll leave you to work out that one for yourselves. Dead Set Legend(s). 5 stars Ian Bell Paul McDermott +1 continues at Rhino Room – Upstairs at Rhino Room from 9.45pm until Sat 5 Mar. Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 and adelaidefringe.com.au. Click HERE to purchase your tickets. #ClotheslineMag #ADLfringe #AdelaideComedy #RhinoRoom

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Ian Bell

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