World Improv Champion Rebecca De Unamuno is bringing her 2005 Moosehead Award-winning solo improv show to the Adelaide Fringe. One woman, three characters and no script.. Open To Suggestion is based on audience suggestions which will see Rebecca performing a series of monologues until (somehow!) all three characters’ lives are intertwined. Older, wiser and stronger, Rebecca is ready for this nightly challenge!

First comedy gig; when and where and how did it go?

“My first comedy gig was at the University of Sydney. I took part in Theatresports, immediately followed by 5 Minute Noodles – the student stand-up competition. My team ended up winning the Theatresports comp that year and I won 5 Minute Noodles. Oh my goodness that was soooooo long ago!”

What drew you into performing comedy?

“A desperate desire for attention.

Comedian you would most like to be?

“Jay Leno. I’d love to be hugely successful, quit, give the job to someone else and then, when they get too popular and my new venture fails, take the job back.”

Favourite joke you knew as a kid?

“Did you hear Joyce Mayne died? Kelvinator.”

Most famous person’s number/s you have in your phone?

“Jason Alexander and Elijah Wood.”

Job you currently perform in your alternative life when not performing comedy?

“Voice-over work. I’m sure I’ve been on your TV or radio selling you products you don’t need or want!”

Your porn star name [first pet/first street]?

“Toby Oberon.”

Celebrity meet that left you star-struck?

“As a kid I met the St George Bank dragon. Highlight of my young life.”

Pet hate?


Secret crush?

“John Goodman. I fell in love with him as Dan Connor on Roseanne.”

Time travel; where would you most love to go and why?

“Back to St Patrick’s Seminary, Manly in 1984. I’d convince a young Tony Abbott that he should remain a priest.”

How do you deal with annoying people who insist you tell them a joke once they discover you are a comedian?

Me: “I don’t know any jokes”

Them: “But you’re a comedian”

Me: “I didn’t say I was a good one”

What’s something from your childhood that you still love and have today?

“My teddy bear Duffy. When I was 4 years old I accompanied my parents to look at houses they were thinking of buying. During one inspection Duffy’s head fell off and I let out a blood curdling scream. It’s terrifying watching your best friend’s head come off. I still have him; mum’s dodgy stitching an all.”

Best or worst advice you were every given?

“Best advice ever: Be careful of the people you tread on on the way up. They’ll be the first to step aside on your way down.”

Best or worst advice you ever gave?

“Worst advice I gave: Nah, we can just climb the fence and drink here…”

Has anyone literally wet themselves laughing at one of your shows?

“Yes. I used to run a school shows business, performing improv shows for students from K–12. One kindergarten show saw a little boy have to get up and leave because he wet his pants laughing. Best review ever!!”

If you were a flavour of ice cream, what would you be and why?

“Rocky Road because it describes my career and relationships perfectly!”

Rebecca De Unamuno performs Open To Suggestion at Gluttony’s The Piglet from 7.50pm on Tue Mar 3 until Sun Mar 15.

Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or here to purchase your tickets.

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