[CHILDREN’S EVENTS/Interactive ~ SA]
Kookaburra Café at Hendon Studios, Sat 6 Mar.
The idea of building a cubby house is already pretty exciting for any kid but when they get to play a real part in building their own village…that is something special. Even while waiting outside for things to get underway, there is already a sense of excitement and anticipation.
We start our journey to our new village with a beautiful Kaurna welcome and a quick game to shake away the sillies. We are then led to an area where we call for our guides who meet us and help us pick our roles within the village, children and adults, before we are led inside to our new village. Here we must set up our whadli’s (hut in Kaurna) and follow a list of instructions that will help our village come together and get its heart beating. Each villager has their own part to play, big or small, that gives you a sense of not just purpose but community and pride as we all come together. We are helped along the way by the guides who just make the experience all the more magical.
There are so many beautiful themes knitted throughout the experience, ones that I don’t think the younger kids would fully grasp at the time but is something that can easy be reflected upon and used as a beautiful reference when needed. There definitely needs to be more interactive shows or experiences like Return To The Village. While its run at this years Fringe Festival has come to an end, if they’re back next year (fingers crossed), be sure not to miss out.
5 stars
Sarah Mena
[CHILDREN'S EVENTS/Interactive ~ SA] Kookaburra Café at Hendon Studios, Sat 6 Mar. The idea of building a cubby house is already pretty exciting for any kid but when they get to play a real part in building their own village…that is something special. Even while waiting outside for things to get underway, there is already a sense of excitement and anticipation. We start our journey to our new village with a beautiful Kaurna welcome and a quick game to shake away the sillies. We are then led to an area where we call for our guides who meet us and help us pick our roles within the village, children and adults, before we are led inside to our new village. Here we must set up our whadli’s (hut in Kaurna) and follow a list of instructions that will help our village come together and get its heart beating. Each villager has their own part to play, big or small, that gives you a sense of not just purpose but community and pride as we all come together. We are helped along the way by the guides who just make the experience all the more magical. There are so many beautiful themes knitted throughout the experience, ones that I don’t think the younger kids would fully grasp at the time but is something that can easy be reflected upon and used as a beautiful reference when needed. There definitely needs to be more interactive shows or experiences like Return To The Village. While its run at this years Fringe Festival has come to an end, if they’re back next year (fingers crossed), be sure not to miss out. 5 stars Sarah Mena #ADLfringe #ClotheslineMag
Return To The Village: Beautifully Interactive Village Fun ~ Adelaide Fringe 2021 Review
Return To The Village: Beautifully Interactive Village Fun ~ Adelaide Fringe 2021 Review
Sarah Mena
Sarah Mena
There definitely needs to be more interactive shows or experiences like Return To The Village.
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