Festival Theatre, Sat 16 Nov.
The Mikado is a story of love, execution and despair all wrapped up in perfect comedic timing, State Opera South Australia has once again produced a high-quality act that does not disappoint. With a modern twist, The Mikado entertains the crowd of all ages, and truly, the children in the crowd were laughing nearly as much as we adults.
Nanki Poo and Yum-Yum are our two love-stuck young people who have to overcome betrothal, head-lopping and being buried alive. Dominic J. Walsh and Amelia Berry respectively bring these characters to life, their on-stage partnership is very convincing. Ko-Ko (Byron Coll) is an absolute laugh-a-minute; his comedic presence literally had me crying with laughter, especially the executioner’s list!
Andrew Collins as Pooh-Bah, the holder of every major office in the state pulls off his elite heritage with aplomb and dignity *ahem – insert bribe here*. Elizabeth Campbell, who plays the predatory Katisha, the wannabe daughter-in-law elect of the Mikado is perfect. Even though we don’t want her to be victorious in her effort to capture Nanki Poo’s affections, we all feel her pain with her moving rendition of Alone, And Yet Alive.
The whole ensemble, the magnificent Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, set design and the costumes; everything about this production is fabulous.
4.5 stars
Janine Spearpoint (with additional words +.5 from Tori Brookes)
The Mikado continues at Festival Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre, at various times, until Sat 23 Nov.
Book at BASS on 131 246 and bass.net.au. Click HERE to purchase your tickets.
Images courtesy of Soda Street Productions
[OPERA ~ SA] Festival Theatre, Sat 16 Nov. The Mikado is a story of love, execution and despair all wrapped up in perfect comedic timing, State Opera South Australia has once again produced a high-quality act that does not disappoint. With a modern twist, The Mikado entertains the crowd of all ages, and truly, the children in the crowd were laughing nearly as much as we adults. Nanki Poo and Yum-Yum are our two love-stuck young people who have to overcome betrothal, head-lopping and being buried alive. Dominic J. Walsh and Amelia Berry respectively bring these characters to life, their on-stage partnership is very convincing. Ko-Ko (Byron Coll) is an absolute laugh-a-minute; his comedic presence literally had me crying with laughter, especially the executioner’s list! Andrew Collins as Pooh-Bah, the holder of every major office in the state pulls off his elite heritage with aplomb and dignity *ahem – insert bribe here*. Elizabeth Campbell, who plays the predatory Katisha, the wannabe daughter-in-law elect of the Mikado is perfect. Even though we don’t want her to be victorious in her effort to capture Nanki Poo’s affections, we all feel her pain with her moving rendition of Alone, And Yet Alive. The whole ensemble, the magnificent Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, set design and the costumes; everything about this production is fabulous. 4.5 stars Janine Spearpoint (with additional words +.5 from Tori Brookes) The Mikado continues at Festival Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre, at various times, until Sat 23 Nov. Book at BASS on 131 246 and bass.net.au. Click HERE to purchase your tickets. Images courtesy of Soda Street Productions #opera #StateOpera #Adelaide #SouthAustralia #TheMikado
The Mikado: State Opera SA Presents One Of Gilbert & Sullivan’s Most Loved Classic Comedy-Operas ~ Review
The Mikado: State Opera SA Presents One Of Gilbert & Sullivan’s Most Loved Classic Comedy-Operas ~ Review
Janine Spearpoint
Janine Spearpoint
Perennial favourite with a modern twist.
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