The Garden Of Unearthly Delights – Studio 7, Tue 22 Feb

Tommy Little spent the last couple of years doing Breakfast with Nova in Melbourne and it was an interesting twist to hear that he had the opportunity to quit a job that he’d effectively been sacked from. He started with a coffee joke, exploring the pronunciation, language and coffee culture, and of course the reference to some of Adelaide’s differences in this – but in a relatively positive way. There were some great stories along the way, plenty of solid gut laughs, a few cringes and he worked his audience in a manner that suggests Breakfast radio is not all that he has been up to.

One of the most amusing, but one that split the audience a little started in terms of an audience interaction, headed towards homelessness and took a detour of social comment on the Beggar on the Street of Yoga – not to give it away, but there was a little good natured bite along the way, without digging too deep with it.

It was also refreshing that jokes could be delivered without necessarily resorting to profanity, not that this was always the case. Some of the asthmatics were reaching for their puffers, there were some aching jaws, everybody got laughing – Tommy Little has a great knack for cracking up an audience.

Then the question what does a retired commercial radio Breakfast presenter do? Evidently design and sell coffee mugs with funny slogans after a gig. Tommy has a good stage presence, presents well and I wouldn’t be surprised to see more of him on TV this year – he’s funny, likeable so. He engages and audience well and even if you are picked out for one of ‘those’ conversations’ you won’t be totally belittled by the man with the mic.

Clayton Werner

Tommy Little – Dickhead continues at The Garden Of Unearthly Delights – Studio 7 from 7pm until Sun 28 Feb.

Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

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The Garden Of Unearthly Delights – Studio 7, Tue 22 Feb Tommy Little spent the last couple of years doing Breakfast with Nova in Melbourne and it was an interesting twist to hear that he had the opportunity to quit a job that he'd effectively been sacked from. He started with a coffee joke, exploring the pronunciation, language and coffee culture, and of course the reference to some of Adelaide's differences in this – but in a relatively positive way. There were some great stories along the way, plenty of solid gut laughs, a few cringes and he worked his audience in a manner that suggests Breakfast radio is not all that he has been up to. One of the most amusing, but one that split the audience a little started in terms of an audience interaction, headed towards homelessness and took a detour of social comment on the Beggar on the Street of Yoga – not to give it away, but there was a little good natured bite along the way, without digging too deep with it. It was also refreshing that jokes could be delivered without necessarily resorting to profanity, not that this was always the case. Some of the asthmatics were reaching for their puffers, there were some aching jaws, everybody got laughing – Tommy Little has a great knack for cracking up an audience. Then the question what does a retired commercial radio Breakfast presenter do? Evidently design and sell coffee mugs with funny slogans after a gig. Tommy has a good stage presence, presents well and I wouldn't be surprised to see more of him on TV this year – he's funny, likeable so. He engages and audience well and even if you are picked out for one of 'those' conversations' you won’t be totally belittled by the man with the mic. Clayton Werner Tommy Little – Dickhead continues at The Garden Of Unearthly Delights – Studio 7 from 7pm until Sun 28 Feb. Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

The Clothesline Rating...

Clayton Werner

Great stories, plenty of laughs.

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