Royalty Theatre, Tue Feb 24

The Umbies rocked the Royalty Theatre last night with their trademark combination of genius comic teamwork, and bizarre characters in improbable situations. As they portrayed two jaded children’s performers struggling with their audience of unresponsive kids, we were privy to the on-stage and off-stage antics of this duo, desperately upping the ante to better entertain the “children”.

Resorting to crazy dance, inspiration-assisting substances and surprise invisible guests, they provided a feast of brilliant comedy, extraordinary vocal skill and, dare I say, exceptional mime (an ‘in’ joke!) that transports the audience into riotous settings and situations “faster than the speed of light”.

“Dane” (David Collins) and “Shavid” (Shane Dundas) take their willing fans on an impossible-to-imagine roller coaster ride of delights, including doof-doof clubs, a gorgeously sung rendition of Feeling Good, complete with hysterical interpretive vignettes, and culminating in the best episode of The Brady Bunch in the history of the world!

The Umbilical Brothers deliver unique, masterful and exceptional comedy. On for one week only, do not miss this marvellous show. You will be hearing about it for a long time.

Nikki Fort

The Umblilical Brothers: KiDSHoW (Not Suitable For Children) continues at Royalty Theatre until Sun Mar 1.

Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

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Royalty Theatre, Tue Feb 24 The Umbies rocked the Royalty Theatre last night with their trademark combination of genius comic teamwork, and bizarre characters in improbable situations. As they portrayed two jaded children’s performers struggling with their audience of unresponsive kids, we were privy to the on-stage and off-stage antics of this duo, desperately upping the ante to better entertain the “children”. Resorting to crazy dance, inspiration-assisting substances and surprise invisible guests, they provided a feast of brilliant comedy, extraordinary vocal skill and, dare I say, exceptional mime (an ‘in’ joke!) that transports the audience into riotous settings and situations “faster than the speed of light”. “Dane” (David Collins) and “Shavid” (Shane Dundas) take their willing fans on an impossible-to-imagine roller coaster ride of delights, including doof-doof clubs, a gorgeously sung rendition of Feeling Good, complete with hysterical interpretive vignettes, and culminating in the best episode of The Brady Bunch in the history of the world! The Umbilical Brothers deliver unique, masterful and exceptional comedy. On for one week only, do not miss this marvellous show. You will be hearing about it for a long time. Nikki Fort The Umblilical Brothers: KiDSHoW (Not Suitable For Children) continues at Royalty Theatre until Sun Mar 1. Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.

The Clothesline Rating...

Nikki Fort

Unique, masterful and exceptional comedy!

User Rating: 4.37 ( 6 votes)