The Garden Of Unearthly Delights – The Spare Room, Thu 3 Mar

Well ya just gotta get out there and learn something new every now and again right? This evening was one of those times and something new was definitely learnt.

Adam Seymour a.k.a. Rural Ranger shares his real life experiences, techniques and art with a small and intimate audience in his Wank Bank Master Class. While I had imagined what a ‘class’ on male self gratification (or assistance) might actually be like, this class was not a lot likeWank Bank Master Class - The Clothesline that at all. Whilst direct and correct language and pictures were used at times, nothing about this class was lewd and simply nothing about this class was boring. Adam presented this new ‘education’ to each of us in a way that made it informative and enlightening all with a sense of fun and with complete respect for his audience.

Audience members were asked to participate (not forced) in demonstrations of Adam’s signature moves like The Spider, Rock Around The Cock and Palm Sunday, but to help with the fun level, and to the surprise and delight of the ladies group in attendance, the volunteer doesn’t always have to be male. Once we have all had our practical but enormously fun ‘lesson’ we were then given our own ‘study’ time where we got to put into immediate practice what we just learnt.

It’s not every day you can say you have just been to a Sex Ed class where not only have you learnt some thing you can really put into practice, but you can also say you learnt it in a non threatening, enjoyable and fun way in the perfect place… in the middle of The Garden Of Unearthly Delights. This class is for anybody who has ever wondered if ‘what they like’ is normal and for anybody who has wanted to know if what they are doing is right. The Wank Bank Master Class is a lesson you won’t mind going to.

Charissa McCluskey-Garcia

Wank Bank Master Class continues at The Garden Of Unearthly Delights – The Spare Room from 10.45pm until Sun 13 Mar.

Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.


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The Garden Of Unearthly Delights - The Spare Room, Thu 3 Mar Well ya just gotta get out there and learn something new every now and again right? This evening was one of those times and something new was definitely learnt. Adam Seymour a.k.a. Rural Ranger shares his real life experiences, techniques and art with a small and intimate audience in his Wank Bank Master Class. While I had imagined what a ‘class’ on male self gratification (or assistance) might actually be like, this class was not a lot like that at all. Whilst direct and correct language and pictures were used at times, nothing about this class was lewd and simply nothing about this class was boring. Adam presented this new ‘education’ to each of us in a way that made it informative and enlightening all with a sense of fun and with complete respect for his audience. Audience members were asked to participate (not forced) in demonstrations of Adam’s signature moves like The Spider, Rock Around The Cock and Palm Sunday, but to help with the fun level, and to the surprise and delight of the ladies group in attendance, the volunteer doesn’t always have to be male. Once we have all had our practical but enormously fun ‘lesson’ we were then given our own ‘study’ time where we got to put into immediate practice what we just learnt. It’s not every day you can say you have just been to a Sex Ed class where not only have you learnt some thing you can really put into practice, but you can also say you learnt it in a non threatening, enjoyable and fun way in the perfect place… in the middle of The Garden Of Unearthly Delights. This class is for anybody who has ever wondered if ‘what they like’ is normal and for anybody who has wanted to know if what they are doing is right. The Wank Bank Master Class is a lesson you won’t mind going to. Charissa McCluskey-Garcia Wank Bank Master Class continues at The Garden Of Unearthly Delights - The Spare Room from 10.45pm until Sun 13 Mar. Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.  

The Clothesline Rating...

Charissa McCluskey-Garcia

Learn to wank in a safe, non-threatening environment 😉

User Rating: 4.6 ( 1 votes)