The Jade Monkey, Sun 21 Feb
Miss Kitty, the rogue British MI5 agent, returns to Adelaide Fringe with another episode of her forays into romance and espionage. Missing from service for some time, we learn that she was mistakenly shot into space for a lunch date… or was that a launch date…with Russian boyfriend, Uri. Her search for extraterrestrial intelligence and life beyond Mars goes on from there.
The zany and very entertaining storylines from multi-skilled Adelaide performer and writer Kerry Reid, as the too-oft de-programmed Miss Kitty, are funny and imaginative. At the sold-out Sunday night show, the very appreciative audience went along for the intergalactic ride, willingly joining in the interactive antics offered by Miss Kitty and her erstwhile assistant and ‘driver’, Winnie Bago.
The show is very strong musically, with a mash-up of funny parodies, some surprising segues and other songs that are just simply beautiful. Kerry has a lovely voice (despite seemingly battling a cold) and embellishes her songs with hilarious interpretive dance and interaction with the band and audience.
The Karavan, comprised of a piano accordionist, two acoustic guitarists, a violinist and double bassist enrich Miss Kitty’s songs with their inimitable and sassy gypsy jazz style as well as occasionally contributing to the narrative. Some of the musical highlights of the show were Dark Side Of The Moon, Fernando, Under The Milky Way Tonight, Space Oddity and the unforgettable Also Sprach Zarathustra.
The encore of Into My Arms with two surprise guests was sweet and poignant, bringing many audience members to their feet in appreciation of this clever and very enjoyable cabaret show.
Whether seeing Miss Kitty’s Karavan for the first time or as a returning fan you are assured of a fun and entertaining night of up-lifting humour and excellent music.
Miss Kitty’s Karavan is out of this world!
4 stars
Nikki Fort
Miss Kitty’s Karavan – The Missing Years continues at The Jade Monkey from 8pm until Thu 3 Mar.
Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.
The Jade Monkey, Sun 21 Feb Miss Kitty, the rogue British MI5 agent, returns to Adelaide Fringe with another episode of her forays into romance and espionage. Missing from service for some time, we learn that she was mistakenly shot into space for a lunch date… or was that a launch date…with Russian boyfriend, Uri. Her search for extraterrestrial intelligence and life beyond Mars goes on from there. The zany and very entertaining storylines from multi-skilled Adelaide performer and writer Kerry Reid, as the too-oft de-programmed Miss Kitty, are funny and imaginative. At the sold-out Sunday night show, the very appreciative audience went along for the intergalactic ride, willingly joining in the interactive antics offered by Miss Kitty and her erstwhile assistant and ‘driver’, Winnie Bago. The show is very strong musically, with a mash-up of funny parodies, some surprising segues and other songs that are just simply beautiful. Kerry has a lovely voice (despite seemingly battling a cold) and embellishes her songs with hilarious interpretive dance and interaction with the band and audience. The Karavan, comprised of a piano accordionist, two acoustic guitarists, a violinist and double bassist enrich Miss Kitty’s songs with their inimitable and sassy gypsy jazz style as well as occasionally contributing to the narrative. Some of the musical highlights of the show were Dark Side Of The Moon, Fernando, Under The Milky Way Tonight, Space Oddity and the unforgettable Also Sprach Zarathustra. The encore of Into My Arms with two surprise guests was sweet and poignant, bringing many audience members to their feet in appreciation of this clever and very enjoyable cabaret show. Whether seeing Miss Kitty’s Karavan for the first time or as a returning fan you are assured of a fun and entertaining night of up-lifting humour and excellent music. Miss Kitty’s Karavan is out of this world! 4 stars Nikki Fort Miss Kitty’s Karavan – The Missing Years continues at The Jade Monkey from 8pm until Thu 3 Mar. Book at FringeTIX on 1300 621 255 or Click HERE to purchase your tickets.
Miss Kitty’s Karavan – The Missing Years: The Life And Songs Of A Rogue British MI5 Agent at The Jade Monkey – Adelaide Fringe Review
Miss Kitty’s Karavan – The Missing Years: The Life And Songs Of A Rogue British MI5 Agent at The Jade Monkey – Adelaide Fringe Review
Nikki Fort
Nikki Fort
A fun and entertaining night of up-lifting humour and excellent music.
User Rating: 3.2 ( 2 votes)