The Marvellous Elephant Man ~ The Musical: Outstanding Olde-Victorian Comedy Of Cruelty, Predjudice And Love Conquering All ~ Adelaide Fringe 2023 Review

The Marvellous Elephant Man ~ The Musical: Outstanding Olde-Victorian Comedy Of Cruelty, Predjudice And Love Conquering All ~ Adelaide Fringe 2023 Review

[Theatre & Physical Theatre/Comedy ~ SA PREMIERE ~ VIC] Wonderland Spiegeltent at Wonderland Festival Hub, Sun 26 Feb, 2003. At first, as cast members in Victorian costumes mingle through the audience, I feel a little nervous that this will be some amateur version...
The Magnets – ’90s Rewind: Prepare Yourself To Party Along With Jaw-Dropping Harmonies And Beatboxing Excellence ~ Adelaide Fringe 2020 Review

The Magnets – ’90s Rewind: Prepare Yourself To Party Along With Jaw-Dropping Harmonies And Beatboxing Excellence ~ Adelaide Fringe 2020 Review

[MUSIC/a Cappella ~ AUSTRALIAN PREMIERE ~ UK] Wonderland Spiegeltent at Gluttony, Thu 20 Feb. Those talented men with their remarkable voices and astounding a Cappella harmonies are back to entertain us as part of Adelaide Fringe 2020! In 2019 it was the ‘80s party...